Central Ohio Purgatorial Society - History
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The Origin

In medieval Europe, associations sprung up to perform spiritual works of mercy for deceased members. These associations would join together in prayer, fasting, and the offering of Masses for the dead. When a member would die, their names would be recorded in a book. The names in this book would be prayed for perpetually. In some towns, the confraternities would erect a chapel next to the town church.

Most Purgatorial Confraternities and Archconfraternities have gone through periods of rising in popularity, then falling out of existence. Some still exist, such as the Archconfraternity of Death and Prayer, founded in Rome in 1538, and the Purgatorial Archconfraternity established in 1840 by the Redemptorists in Rome. While their existence has ebbed and flowed in Europe, Purgatorial societies or confraternities are largely nonexistent in the United States.

The Need

Despite the lack of devotions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, that doesn't mean the need isn't there. All souls in Purgatory are in need of prayers, fasting, and other spiritual works of mercy to release them from Purgatory into Heaven.

A Saintly Practice

Many saints have had a devotion to praying to the Holy Souls, and several have had mystical experiences where they saw or experienced the pains of Purgatory. Saints with a devotion to the Holy Souls include:
  • St. Nicholas of Tolentino (who is the patron saint of the Holy Souls)
  • St. Catherine of Genoa
  • St. Gertrude the Great
  • St. John Vianney
  • St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
  • St. Christina the Astonishing
  • St. Bridget of Sweden
  • St. Theotonius of Coimbra
  • St. Frances of Rome
  • St. Lidwina of Schiedam
  • Blessed Caterina Mattei
  • Blessed Francesco of Fabriano
  • Blessed Marie of Oignies

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